School of Music > Academics > Studios & Areas of Study > Performance


The Performance program prepares students for careers in music, combining applied lessons on one's instrument with a variety of ensemble and performing experiences. Students also study literature, pedagogy, and other areas related to musical performance. The faculty comprises highly celebrated performers, who are committed to teaching excellence.


Marta Aznavoorian
Marta Aznavoorian
Matt Baker
Matt Baker
Stephen Balderston
Stephen Balderston
Esteban Batallán
Esteban Batallán
Brandi Berry
Brandi Berry
William Buchman
William Buchman
Keith Buncke
Keith Buncke
Stephen Burns
Stephen Burns
Wagner Campos
Wagner Campos
Oto Carrillo
Oto Carrillo
Julia Coronelli
Julia Coronelli
Ian Ding
Ian Ding
Eric Esparza
Eric Esparza
Mark Fisher
Mark Fisher
Brent Funderburk
Brent Funderburk
Emma Gerstein
Emma Gerstein
Jonathan Gmeinder
Jonathan Gmeinder
Alexander Hanna
Alexander Hanna
Julian Hersh
Julian Hersh
Stefán Höskuldsson
Stefán Höskuldsson
Michael Hovnanian
Michael Hovnanian
Nicholas Hutchinson
Nicholas Hutchinson
Alyce Johnson
Alyce Johnson
Robert Kassinger
Robert Kassinger
Neil Kimel
Neil Kimel
Michael Kozakis
Michael Kozakis
Melissa Kraut
Melissa Kraut
Michael Lewanski
Michael Lewanski
Amanda Blair MacDonald
Amanda Blair MacDonald
Miles Maner
Miles Maner
Mark Maxwell
Mark Maxwell
Eric Millstein
Eric Millstein
Jason Moy
Jason Moy
Erica Neidlinger
Erica Neidlinger
Yasuko Oura
Yasuko Oura
Jeffrey Ray
Jeffrey Ray
Michael Rusinek
Michael Rusinek
Jeremy Ruthrauff
Jeremy Ruthrauff
James Smelser
James Smelser
Andy Smith
Andy Smith
Janet Sung
Janet Sung
Brant Taylor
Brant Taylor
Charles Vernon
Charles Vernon
William Welter
William Welter
Cynthia Yeh
Cynthia Yeh