School of Music > Resources > Performance Office > Student Recitals

Student Recitals

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Please use the following Student Recital Procedures to schedule your Degree or Non-Degree recital at DePaul University's School of Music:

Classical Degree

Jazz Degree

Classical Non-Degree

Jazz Non-Degree

You may find the following links helpful in your preparation:

2024/2025 Degree Recital Scheduling Chart

2024/2025 Non-Degree Recital Scheduling Chart​

2024/2025 Fall Quarter Recital Request Form​

Helpful Information on Program Notes

Program Notes Rubric for Classical Degree Recitals

Please email Julia Miller at​ with any questions you have regarding the recital scheduling process.

Please email Ava Neal at​ with any questions you have regarding programs.