If you plan to hire a musician for School of Music purposes (accompanist, guest musician for recital or ensemble performance, ringer for ensemble performance, etc.) with the intent they are paid through DePaul, please read the following information carefully and fill out the form below.
Faculty sponsoring the hired musician should complete a Visitor Guest Payment Request Form, which includes details on W-9 and direct deposit paperwork needed for those receiving payment. Payment will be issued within 30 days of a complete request submission - all W-9 and direct deposit paperwork should be sent directly to Adam Briggs at JBRIGGS2@depaul.edu.
A few additional notes regarding hired musicians:
-Internal hires are preferred, as payment processing paperwork is already on file with the university
-As a suggested guide for professional ringers hired for ensembles, the general expectation is that they are hired for two rehearsals and a performance