School of Music > Community Music > Faculty & Staff > Faculty A-Z > Liam Marchant

Liam Marchant

Liam Marchant
Teaching Area(s)
Audio Engineering
DePaul CPS Partnership Program Teaching Artist 

MM DePaul University

Liam Marchant is a multi-instrumentalist and composer living in Chicago while pursuing his Masters in Music Composition at DePaul University. He works to provide a rounded education for his students in classical technique, improvisation, composition, and songwriting. He actively composes for chamber groups and contemporary rock, funk, and jazz ensembles. He has released three albums with his band Pumice Pocket and currently performs in Tweed Duo and DePaul's Ensemble 20+. Liam plays piano, saxophone, guitar, and electric bass and he enjoys taking his bike out on the lakeside trail every weekend.